Sort Puzzle Game

I have played this game before and felt it could be a good entertainment and exercise to try and replicate it.

This is a simple experiment, the implementation of a well known sorting game, you can easily search "sort puzzle" on play or apple store if you don't know what it's about, to make it simple, you have to sort the different-colored drops of water, you win when you fill all glases with only one color, but you can only move a drop to a glass that has the same color on top and its not full, or to an empty glass.

In this implementation there is, first of all, a menu that let you choose the difficulty of the game, from 1 to 10(?), this affects the number of glasses, the size of the glasses and the number of colors.

Why on Windows console?

I like doing games for console, because it's extremely fast once you get familiar with the small library used to color characters, I think for minimalistic games like this one it would be much more time consuming to try and make it look pretty, with little things like the animation of pouring a glass's content into another , but that is not my objective with this little proyect, there is easily 30 instances of this game already on the play store, my motivation with this game was to purely simulate the gameplay component.

Posible Updates

Although in easier levels may not be noticeable, in harder levels, especially 10+, is relatively common to see big blocks of the same color stacked together, the algorithm I use works fine for fewer colors and sizes because in the initial rearrangement it tries to take a block as big as possible, a rearrangement of smaller block size is very possible and in theory would make the initial state more "random" by taking some extra steps.

Gravida aliquam penatibus

Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.

Sed quis rhoncus placerat

Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.

Magna laoreet et aliquam

Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.