Rock Bottom

This game was one of the first serious games I developed for the master, it's an straight-forward 2.5D platformer, your goal is to reach the end and open the chest which will get you to the win screen.

It consists on 6 different levels, each one with different types of assets you can interract with, for example, there are switches, buttoms, jumpers, teleporters, dissapearing platforms, etc.

The world loads and unloads levels as the player advances in order to optimize performance, it also saves the level you are in, so if you die you'll go back to the last checkpoint, and also saves the highscore.

Gravida aliquam penatibus

Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.

Sed quis rhoncus placerat

Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.

Magna laoreet et aliquam

Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.