Colloseum Night

This game was the final proyect me and my 3 partners delievered for the master, it's a 1v1 online multiplayer battle, with 4 different playable characters and 2 different arenas.


In the game, you first start off by searching an available Lobby or by creating one, once there are two players in the Lobby each one will be able to pick their character and the host will be able to pick the map, once the players are ready the game will start.

In order to win the game you have to make the rival character's health reach 0, doing so will pop up a victory screen on your end and a defeat screen on the enemy.

The game also has menus, which don't stop the game, but can be used to change some of the settings, or remind you of the controls, you can also exit or continue the game.


We have four different characters, while they all do have different move set they have the same controls:

Firstly, they all have their main way to deal damage, which are basic attacks, two of the characters have ranged basic attacks while the other two are melee. Melee characters can chain up a combo up to three attacks, while ranged only have two.

Secondly, they all have an special powerfull ability, this is usually called "Ultimate", "Super" or "Limit break", besides other names. You can only use your Ultimate once your Ultimate bar is full, dealing damage, but specially receiving damage charge up your Ultimate bar.

Finally, all characters have an auxiliar ability that charges over time, this is usually their way to get out of trouble.

All their moveset can be seen in the trailer above, but I will briefly explain each one.


Greystone is a mighty and resilient knight, he attacks with his sword in close range, and is able to halve the damage received when his shield is up, with his Ultimate, he launches into the enemy making a downwards slice with his sword, doing heavy damage on contact.


Phase is a bold and mistic fighter, she tries to keep her distance attacking from afar, in order to do so, she can become invisible for a couple or seconds, her Ultimate makes her overflow with mistic power, in this state she can attack faster and each consecutive attack will deal more damage.


Gideon is a wise and powerfull wizard, he attacks with ranged magic balls, to lure his enemies, he can teleport for a short distance, and with his Ultimate, he can summon a meteor from outer space and deal heavy damage to anyone standing in its way.


Countess is a dark and bloody entity, she attacks with her two short swords in close range, she is able to become invisible for short periods of time and her Ultimate allows her to deal a devastating blow while hiding from human perception.


There are currently 2 playable maps available in the game, besides the Lobby map.


The Colloseum is a small, circular map, with a central lower part, the arena, and the upper part where the stands are.


The temple is a bigger map, much more open, with a path leading from the spawn to the top of the temple.


The lobby map is only used...well in the lobby. It's not playable but it's worth showing.

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Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.

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Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.